Kernow Goth, established in 1920, is the leading organisation for all those who believe that Cornwall’s past and present heritage and culture can be an asset to its tomorrows.
Kernow Goth, fondyes yn 1920, yw an kowethyans ledya rag oll an re na neb a grys y hyll ertach ha gonisogeth a'n jydh hedhyw ha henna passys a Gernow bos tra bosek rag y dermyn a dheu.
Upcoming Old Cornwall Events
Talk: “Tregrehan & the Carlyon Family” by Valerie Jacob
Kernow Goth
Kernow Goth has the very broadest interests: in Cornwall’s people, ranging from our language and dialect, folk traditions, music, and leisure pursuits, our industrial, maritime, social and political history, the diaspora, and the achievements of our ancestors; and in the place itself, its geography and environment, natural history and human ecology.
Kernow Goth a'n jeves lesow an moyha ledan: y'n dus a Gernow, ow lesa dhyworth agan taves ha rannyeth, hengovyon an werin, ilow, ha gwriansow sygerneth, agan istori politek, kowethasek, morek ha diwysyansek, an keskar, ha kowlwriansow agan hendasow; hag y'n le hy honen, hy doronieth ha kerghynnedh, istori naturek ha ekologieth denel.
Kernow Goth promotes a wider awareness of what makes Cornwall special and incomparable, through helping to preserve what remains of value from the past, research and publishing, lectures, walks and talks, and the use of the media.
Kernow Goth a avons warneth ledanna a'n pyth a wra Kernow arbennek hag ankomparadow, dre weres gwitha an pyth a drig hwath a dalvasogeth dhyworth an termyn res eth, hwithrans ha dyllo, arethyow, kerdhow ha keskowsow, hag us a'n media.
Kernow Goth aims to work with more specialised or localised groups whenever possible, and invites them to ‘share its umbrella’ in protecting the future of our nation.
Towl Kernow Goth yw dhe oberi gans bagasow leelhes po arbenneghes peskweyth may fo possybyl ha hi a'ga gelow dhe 'gevranna y lawlen' yn unn witha termyn a dheu agan gwlas.
Kernow Goth Bookshop
The Kernow Goth bookshop is continually adding new and older publications to its stock of Cornish books. Checkout the publications by using the search facility on the shop pages. With well over two hundred titles there is a terrific range of books relating to Cornwall's history, culture and environment.
Click the link or images below to open the shop on a new page.
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Our member societies have a number of pages available to build their own set of webpages showing their activities and what they have achieved in preserving and sharing Cornwall's heritage. Check out societies near you.
Kernow Goth supporting Cornwall Buildings Group
Click on the above blue link for page with project links
Click here to open latest newsletter from Cornish Buildings Group at risk in new page